About Us
Australian Paramedic is a journal delivered to all ambulance stations, Royal Flying Doctor Service and Care Flight offices, and selected universities across Australia. Our mission is to support and improve patient care through the sharing of knowledge and information from across Australia, and at the same time aid paramedics through delivering current information from recognised leaders in emergency care. We are independent from any employer, associations or groups and our aim is simply to provide current, relevant information to the Australian Paramedic. With an Editorial Board (currently in progress) consisting of paramedics and emergency medical professionals we will ensure that the information provided is accurate and timely in this developing professional environment. Australian Paramedic will evolve over time with feedback and review from readers. The aim of Australian Paramedic is to share knowledge and commentary from experts in the field, as well as provide background information on topics as research and programs develop both in Australia and internationally. As Australian Paramedic develops we hope to become the leading voice for paramedics to share news, knowledge and information.